Recently we successfully retained the commissary account in Clark County. One of the biggest changes in the new contract was becoming an off-site warehouse. Meaning we had to move all equipment from one location to the other. This included shelving and a pick and pack line. We have an amazing team and we managed to move all equipment in the course of three days thankfully with no injuries. In doing this it opened my eyes to a different perspective of see something say something. On one of the days I noticed Carlos Novoa struggling to move one of the pallets off the truck and I went over to him and started helping him. I then pulled him to the side and let him know it was okay to ask for help. From then on I realized that the best way to keep my staff safe was to become approachable on duties that require manual labor. Also to be as verbal as possible about safety. I knew all staff would catch on without them knowing and making it seem like it was a task. Now it makes me very proud to hear staff say things like: ” Hey someone can trip on that”, “This edge is sharp”, “Can you help me”, “that’s stored to high or that’s unstable”, etc. Showing the level in which you care will naturally have them care about those around them as well.