Jerome Leake

At Houston Methodist Hospital, we manage one of the only valet parking operations in the Aramark Enterprise. There are 9 buildings on campus with 6 active valet parking locations. We have a staff of 110 Aramark drivers (4 Managers) working at the account. In 2023, our team parked 350,950 cars. From 2022 to 2023, we were able to reduce our accident/incident claims by 42%, simply by implementing new safety procedures, i.e., garage audits, driver audits, and a new enhanced driver training program. As part of our new driver training program, we added garage schematic diagrams for each garage. The diagrams pinpoint areas of the garages where the majority of accident/incidents occur. Our managers and drivers use these tools to provide a safe and happy work environment. We are committed to continuing to build a culture of safety for our client at Houston Methodist Hospital.