We started out Q1 2024 with 11 injuries at our Profit Center. I knew we needed to change the culture of the work environment. We have had a safety champion program for the past three years, but the number of injuries and the large number of new employees we experienced during Q1 told me we needed to take the program up a notch. I introduced the Safety Bucks program at out Monthly Safety Champion meeting. The team was so excited. The Safety Champions and members of the lead team are given a designated number of “Safety Bucks” to award to employees exhibiting safe behaviors, such as wearing cut gloves when using a knife. These bucks can be redeemed, saved, or used collectively for a wide range of items described in the Safety Bucks program hand out. We also celebrate no injury campuses at our monthly Safety Champion meetings. These certificates are given to the Safety Champions who display them near their safety boards at their respective locations.
These efforts have resulted in an overall reduction of workplace injuries. Q2 we reduced to 2 injuries, Q3 only 1 injury (thus far). Q4 we are reaching for Target Zero.
The team’s overall moral and awareness surrounding safety has increased.